For all of you you haven't watched this show, go get this set right now.
The premise of the show is the doctor is the sole survivor of an alien time traveling race that died off a long time ago. He is approximately nine hundred years old and has taken several different forms over the years, all human looking. I don't really know that much about the history and what has happened in the fifty year history of the show. But I didn't need to know a lot to enjoy it.
Christopher Eccleston (The doctor) sold me on the show. He can be both light and funny and dark and menacing. This guy is a great actor and I really hope to see him become a bigger star.
I figured I'd give the series a shot based how excited some of the posters here were for the show. (they know who I'm talking about) I ended up loving it. Here's my thoughts on the series:
Ep.1 Rose
A great intoduction to the series. It sets the tone for what the show will be about. Rose is the name of the doctors new companion. She started off kinda weak but she got much better each episode. She's basically the guide for new viewers of the show.
Ep.2 The End of the World
The first one I really loved. This is the one where they really show you how far they will go with the show. It takes place in the year five billion, just before the sun is about to explode.
Ep.3 The Unquiet Dead
This one was another great episode. The doctor and Rose travel back in time and run into Charles Dickens. My favorite scene is when the doctor is telling Dickens about his great novels he hasn't written yet.
Ep.4 and 5 Aliens of London and World War Three
Humanities first contact with aliens happens in this two parter. I didn't care for these that much due to some bad humor and some unbelievable moments.
Ep.6 Dalek
The first one with the Daleks. It takes place in Utah where a warehouse of space artifacts are being stored. Its a good introduction to the daleks, but I still felt it lacking in information. Rose gives a great performance in this one.
Ep.7 The Long Game
This one takes place in the future in a giant satellite that broadcasts all TV shows to the planet. Its basically a set up for future episodes.
Ep.8 Father's day
This episode deals with what just about everyone would want to do if they could travel in time. Meet a family member they hardly knew. A very emotional episode.
Ep.9 and 10 The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances
The two best episodes of the season. Its set in London during World War two. It also introduces a new Character named "Captain Jack Harkness" who is also a time traveler and a somewhat rival of the doctor. Both have plenty of action and emotion, at the end of the second part I was nearly in tears. This is where Ecclestion really shined. Its a shame he was only in this season. These two episodes are well worth the sixty or so bucks for the series.
Ep.11 Boom Town
Another episode featuring the aliens from 4 and 5. I didn't care for this one that much, but it did deal with some heavy issues well.
Ep.12 Bad Wolf
This one also takes place in the satellite from episode 7. Its a spoof of reality shows and another one that wasn't up to par in my opinion, but it seems that everyone else really liked it. It also sets up for the season finale.
Ep.13 The Parting of the Ways
The season finale, it involves the invasion of the Daleks and the introduction of the new doctor. Eccleston and Billie Piper (Rose) both give great performances, but I was let down by Eccleston leaving the show.
Buy it at Its 65 bucks new but well worth it considering all the extras it comes with.
Over all its well worth buying, and hopefully some other fans of the show will convince others to but it better than I did.