What with one thing and another, I felt it was time for TNA to get another roster evaluation. Just my opinion blah blah blah, you get the picture.
A1 Alistair Ralphs
This guy is as bland as it's possible to be, and green with it. TNA doesn't really need him, and without Team Canada he lacks purpose.
A good, strong wrestler who TNA have done a good job of making into a star. With Jim Mitchell to cover his promo's his work has been allowed to shwo through, and it's pretty strong. A good wrestler, but he needs a good feud or something to get involved in.
AJ Styles
Whilst indisputably one of the most over guys in TNA, he is a bit of a spot-monkey, though not a bad one. His role as a tag champion is a good place for him at the mo, as being around Christopher Daniels will help hi mwork on his promo's, his only weakness.
Alex Shelley
A future X division champion for definite. His paparazzi gimmick is really original, and his style is distinctive and unusual. A major star of the future, and possibly the next X division champion.
The Alpha Male
What with one thign and another, Brown is now without a role in TNA. His skills are still developing, and the endless squash matches are probably doing more harm than good. I genuinely believe that The Alpha Male could be a future star, but he needs a new finisher and a new gimmick. A shift to WWE could possibly do him good.
Andy Douglas
Never the more interesting member of The Naturals, Douglas doesn't really stand out on his own. The addition of Shane Douglas as a manager is exactly what tehse guys need
Austin Aries
What happened to this guy? I havwn't seen him around in a while. A talented guy with some charisma, potentially the strongest X division mid-carder.
BG James
After a somewhat shaky start for the James GHanag, their heel turn has really helped them catch fire. BG's mic work is as good as ever, and his wrestling isn't notably down on what it was.
More evalutations later.