Animal Crossing movie detailed

    Web site for upcoming animated movie based on Nintendo's franchise reveals characters, plot, crew.
    By Tim Surette, Walt Wyman, GameSpot
    Posted Jul 20, 2006 3:59 pm PT

    Nintendo's Animal Crossing franchise is unique in that it doesn't have a traditional story, there's no real beginning or end, and the main character is unique to each individual. However, those factors won't stop the game from being made into a movie. The Web site for the movie adaptation of the game has launched, and it reveals some basic details of the film.

    Doubutsu No Muri (the Japanese title for the film and its game inspiration) will be released on December 16 this year and will be fully animated. Handling the directing will be Jouji Shimura, who directed the anime movie Shin Angyo Onshi, and screenwriting duties were filled by Aya Matsui (Marmalade Boy, Ranma 1/2).

    According to the Web site, the movie will feature much of the spirit of the Animal Crossing games. The plot summary on the site reads: "Doubutsu (Animal) Village is a place where humans and animals live together in friendship. One day, a girl named Ai moves to the village. She gets a part time job, and gradually starts making friends in the village. Then, one night she finds a mysterious letter in a bottle on the beach. Opening the bottle, she finds the message reads 'A miracle will occur the night of the Snow Festival'..."

    In addition to Ai, Kappei, the taxi driver from the games, will make an appearance. Also featured in the film will be Kotobuki, the town's mayor; Tanukichi, the raccoon shop owner; and Alberto, a mellow alligator.

    There is no word yet of a North American release for the movie.

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