there was drinking to do on friday. at one point, it was to be with another farewell party, but those plans fell through. at one point, it was to be with scottie p washington, but those plans fell through. but picking up the slack on both regards was the lovely alexis.

we went to o'nieals. spelled with all those vowels, there.
its a nice lil place that we've gone too semi regularly this summer. its nothin too special, but it helps fill the void on days we just wanna drink someplace else. o'nieals, along with the zak's, are our new "
dipper's" -- sadly shut down some time ago, for bull shit reasons.
steak sammidge. jack and cokes. a nice salad and some bread. and... s'more jack and cokes. not enough to put a blur on the evening, but definitely enough to get things started.
before too long, we were sampling some booze at home, then back out again at 3forty, where we met up with super bartendress cati, who loves to hook us up with free or increased-benefit drinks.
in a heartbeat, i am upgraded from a measely tumbler of jack and coke, to a much more mighty and towering
pint of the make-happy serum. and not just a meager one or two... i see three and four come pouring my way, and i am delighted to be on the drinking end!
the barlounge was mostly filled with not-cute-enough bitches, so the evening was cut much shorter than i had hoped. by 1:45 am or so, we were back outside, walking along the hudson, and gazing at the beautiful skyline. a nice view, sure, but... we had so many nicer ones planned for the night!