had SO much shit to get done yesterday; paying off bills, filing my paperwork, renewing my registration, handling a water leak at my old apartment, talking to my mom for birthday wishes, talking to my dad for yankees wishes, and a shit load of freelance.

finally finished one of my larger projects, the website for
corby associates, my grandfather / uncle / cousin's company.
been working on this for a good 3-4 months now, just a little bit here and a little bit there as the edits and changes and stuff came in.
th site is a bit basic, but i think it came out very nice, and amazingly clean n'crisp.
one of the better aspects about it, simply, is that its done! its one of those long-time "to-do" list items that has just been staring me at the face for awhile, and was good to cross off, finally getting a chance to complete it.
thats, really, all yesterday was - a completion day. it was at least 10 items worth, now removed from my to do list. ... at least until next month, when they pile up again. but even then, it'll be a few good weeks of less pressure and reminders asploding in the back of my brain.
long live freedom!