hit up a yankee game last night, with randy mcfuckinchang. we had been trying for about a year to finalize a yankee game day, but just never managed to get'er done. last night, it was go time no matter what.

he works pretty close, but it was easier to take a seperate subway. i took the F up one stop, the B all the way to 161.

the whole way, like a 25 minute trip, this group of 6 or 7 just-outta-high school kids were talkin and screamin and really just annoying everyone in the train, all jazzed up for their first yankee game. like, they were horrible, and doing it all on purpose. they'd get right up in a strangers face and yell or scream, really pissing off everyone else in the train.

so i told them yankee stadium was at he 155th stop, and they got out there, 6 blocks early.

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