after a surprisingly no-traffic drive there, we pull into the castle parking lot and alexis immediately spots scottie sitting by his car -- part of the surprise guest list to celebrate midieval times. i asked scottie about it a few days before when we were talkin, and figured he might have a good time reliving his childhood memories.

we meet up, and pile into the castle area, grab our table number and crowns, are assigned to the green knight -- the aweshome, arrogant knight -- and enter the main lobby area, where we speedily approach the bar.

sure, ok, its like $10 for a drink, and the three girls even grabbed this enormous $25 margarita (which was... i dunno, maybe 4 drinks in one big ass bowl?). and, alright, so a picture here is $10 and another is $20 and birthday mentions are another $15 ... yadda yadda ... its all good.

soon enough, the 6th and final guest of the evening arrives, kathleen. she always mentions in her whiniest of ways how now she's left home alone, and laura has mike and mary has matt and how there's nothin for her, and blah blah. so, what the fuck, lets bring her along. she gets along with everyone, so it'll be great.

and it was.

the six of us march in and totally dominate the area. we're callin out all the other, gayer knights and demanding extra food from our man-wench, and startin all these great chants, totally screamin louder than anyone there. the alcohol helped.

fucking great time, though. everyone seemed to really love it. the show is always really good and the food is always really good. throw in the good company and the birthday wishes n'all that, and thats a great fuckin day.

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