and now, i pack. i mean, well, i did other stuff. like eating and cleaning. showered. went out to grab a sammidge at zak's. drove to pick up shit. made some phone calls. y'know, little annoying things.

those meaningless crapities aside, its all just packing in prep for my miami trip. plane leaves at 9 am tomorrow, and i'm gone for like a week.

can't friggin wait.

we don't even have any real plans, or anything. not like vegas, where there's tons of shit to do, and we map everything out. this time around, we're apparently just gonna play shit by ear. sit where we want, eat when we want, that kinda thing.

mostly looking forward to the beaches. not so much the getting sand in my mouth part, or the burning instantly cuz i'm so pale part. but the nice sun and warm water sound nice. that, and watching every fucking hot chick in a bikini walk by.

i've been told to pay special close attention to all the cuban bitches. er... mamis. whatever. i don't have to say it, i just have to stare at it!

but, really, just not doing anything sounds nice, too. not thinking about work or freelance or worrying about bills, or whatever. even tho, sure, i should be doing all og that, but... i dunno. fuck it.

i likes vacation. and i can't wait for this one!!

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