and, of course, monday morning, the plane leaves early. very early. That’s what planes do. and that seems to be the only kind i ever book. because i’m retarded. well, also because i wanna get to wherever i’m going as early as possible. but also also because i’m retarded.

yeah, heading towards an airport bringing vacation is better than going to work on monday morning, but... holy fuck. the 9 am flight means leaving my apartment at like 6, which means getting up at like 5:30 am ... which is like 4 hours before i have to get up for work. and thats rough.

...made only worse with these new, weird "no liquid" checks at the airport, which have tripled any sorta commuting traffic. lines were huge. waits were ... also... huge. and the subsequent delays, yes, huge. i hated them. i tried to sleep through most, but i'm usually very unable to sleep in a plane. all those frickin binging announcements and such. bastards.

but newarky slums slowly drift away, giving over to beautiful florida palm trees. i dunno what the fuck it is about palm trees, but they're just so frickin cool looking! like an otherwise leaf-less tree trunk just got to the top and asploded, vomiting these spikey branches everywhere. ...and they sound even cooler, now!

landing was a sinch tho. despite our hour delay taking off, we still got to the miami airport 10 minutes ahead of schedule, beckoning the jerry seinfeld question, of why don't planes just go that fast, all the time.

giant picture