a few hours later, we trekked out for s'more alcomihalic beverages. it was still only tuesday, and the crowds were all still kinda low everywhere, so we didn't wanna go to one of our main big places just yet.

for this evening's adventure, we settled on this wee lil bar nearby our hotel. it looked all big n'cool on the outside, but honestly it wasn't all that great on the inside. ...not for me, anyway.

karaoke. drives me fucking insane.

unless i am tanked to the point where enrico is there and i wont remember a fucking thing. otherwise, it fucking kills me. its just fatter, older people singing, horribly. and then two or three ghetto ballers belting out operatic mariah carey tunes.

oh, and its always a fat girl's birthday. and they have to be the first person evar (!!1!) to sing greenday, time of your life!

but, hey, they had jack. they also had coke. so i was happy. and lex loves laughing at the kareoke people and killing the miller lights, so we were both covered for the evening.

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