we's gots our chairs. umbrella. two rented towels and two brought-from-home yankees towels for pillows and added comfort. 15 spf all over, just waiting to be obliterated by the sun, along with my skin.

there are dozens of other groups already on the beach by the time we get there -- probably all more well prepared, melaninly, than i.
one thing that continued to shock me about miami is the level of diversity in the area. i assume its just the vacationy spots, like i was in, but all the same, its something i've never seen duplicated in all the other places i've been.
every day, we'd find a spot on the beach. and every day, we'd be surrounded by a german couple, an israeli family, italians, puerto ricans, cubans (shh!), dominicans, french, korean, etc. it was crazy. even walking around town, all you hear is the varying languages, or ridiculously thick accents, from any of the given countries.
even walking around manhattan or brooklynn or wherever, i've never really encourtered that, and i always assumed nyc to be the melting pottiest location. sure, there are tons of spanish-speaking individuals, but... dashes of german or finlandia-speak or whatever are damn near untraceable up north. in south beach, tho, it was every where.
quite interesting.