so, for my office birthday, resident webroom mother jonathan made me some cookie pies! i don't really know what else to call them. cookie cakes? they're these big ass ...uh... cookies in pie form. like all deep like a pie would be, too.

they're friggin great. and he special-request made them exactly how i like'em; nearly raw, shaped cookie dough.
he brought'em to thanksmas 5, and they went over huge, so it was already established how much i likes'em. but this time, there wasn't 22 other people to help me eat them. it was just phausen. with maybe some help from a collection of other surrounding nerds and geeks.
and i ... ate so much fucking cookie pie. my stomach asploded.
its that same "i can't believe i ate so much raw butter" feeling you get in your stomach after eating two or three spoonfuls of
actual raw cookie dough, when you make cookies. except... you know... in pie form, as said.
never again.
...until thanksmas 6...