Ok, so here we go, the long awaited return of my RAW review!
Recap of HBK vs Umaga the talentless!
Apparently we are in Memphis so they show us Graceland!
The Mahons are both dressed as Elvis!
They say some shit!
They sing some Elvis songs!
They say more shit!
Sing more Elvis songs!
Say more shit!
blah blah blah blah blah
RAW music hits!
Brilliant song!
Retard tells us about Hogan being a cripple!
Tittian Garcia introduces the womens TITle match!
Tits Stratus comes out!
Tittie James comes out next!
I'm sorry but James' music just does not fit a heel!
The match starts and Edges music hits!
He comes out with Tita!
Edge says he is sick of taking a backseat & tells Tittie to leave as the match is over!
Edge says he is taking over RAW.
He tells Stratus to stay as he wants her to hear stuff!
He rants some more!
Why the fuck has he still got that gay arse spinner belt?
I reckon it means he'll lose it to Cena at Summersham!
Edge gets them to put up the Summersham poster and points out that he is not on the poster despite being the champ!
He then says he aint even on the cover of the new WWE magazine.......its Tits Stratus!
Tita opens her gob!
I want her to shut up already!
They just bleeped the word bitch......what the fuck?
Tits & Tita fight a bit!
Tita spears Tits then picks her up so Edge can spear her, but Carlito runs in for the rescue!
Edge hits Carlito with a spear!
Edge & Tita run off laughing!