We come back and of course for some reason Edge has the upper hand over Carlito!
God they plan this out really well!

Carlito fights out of a headlock!

Big flip from Carlito, and tries for back cracker but Edge holds on to the ropes!

Carlito is knocked out of the ring!

Edge throws him back in!

Edge locks in a move that I dunno!
Carlito fights out & hits a springboard back elbow!

Edge tags in Chita!

Trish hits clotheslines, drop kicks & chops!

Chita fights out but Trish hits a spinebuster!
Edge breaks up the pin!

Edge holds Trish while Chita goes to top turnbuckle!

Carlito knocks Edge into ropes and Chita gets crotched!

Trish throws Chita from the top.
Carlito dodges a spear from Edge who hits Trish instead!
Carlito throws Edge from the ring then goes after him allowing Chita to get the pin!
