Umaga comes out with Estrada weird face & the Mahons!
Out comes HHH!
HHH hits Umaga!
Umaga hits HHH!
Low bridge from HHH & Umaga leaves the ring!
HHH throws Umaga into a ring post!
Both back in the ring & HHH squashes Umaga in the corner!
Running heel kick from Umaga & a diving headbutt!
Umaga fatties HHH!
Umaga hangs HHH in a tree of woe then hits a flying head butt!
Umaga hits HHH with his arse!
Headbutt from second rope, but HHH moves!
HHH punches Umaga!
Facebuster to Umaga!
Clothesline to Umaga!
HHH hits Shane!
Umaga fights out of a pedigree!
Spinebuster from HHH!
Vince pulls ref out before he can finish the count!
Shane hits HHH!
HHH hits Shane with a spinebuster!
Umaga saves Vince from a spinebuster by hitting HHH with his thumb!
Umaga gets the pin!
Estrada funnyface rapes a cat!
They all shake hands & leave the Mahons in the ring taunting HHH!
Vince pedigrees HHH!
Vince goes to the second rope, nearly falls off, then mocks HHHs spitting water pose!