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Animalman said: Which God do I ask, though?
Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Vishnu, Zeus, Jupiter...Ra? Jerry Orbach?
What if I ask the wrong one? I was never good at multiple choice tests. Is there an "all of the above"?
When all else fails, ask PJP.
But seriously.
If you really want my opinion, Yahweh and Jesus are the furthest thing from mutually exclusive. In the NT Jesus said a number of times that God/the Father/Yahweh would hear and answer our prayers, and specifically that He would if we prayed 'in Jesus' name' (which I interpret as being thankful for God's grace (through Jesus) and praying in the fashion of Jesus (always asking that the Father's will be done)). In my experience, amazing things have happened when I've tried that. Specifically, I would not have made it through the first month without my dad (especially having to deliver that eulogy) without praying time and time again for strength from God. I dunno if that helps any but that's my perspective.