
Animalman said:
Which God do I ask, though?

Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Vishnu, Zeus, Jupiter...Ra? Jerry Orbach?

What if I ask the wrong one? I was never good at multiple choice tests. Is there an "all of the above"?

Buddha isn't a God.

Yaweh and Allah are of the same origin.

Christ is Yaweh.

The Polytheist religions (see also: Egyptian Ra, see also: Hindu Vishnu, see also: Roman Jupiter, see also: Greek Zeus) are not in any way historically comparable to philosophical monotheist religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Muslomism. For example: Zeus' arrogance should have earned his direct wrath by now after so many people conclude that he doesn't exist. This is opposed to the fact that the other religions you mentioned, and carelessly lumped together with the Hellenic beliefs, stipulate the requirement of faith. i.e. God's not going to descend and punish people with an avatar. The point of the faith is that God's already given you the intructions to reach him when you pass. Thus, you have faith and philosophy as opposed to trust in a fickle and random person--Zeus.