Amen and Hallelujah Brotha Flagg! Nothing brings about the confrontational force of the Holy Spirit like a few bottles of holy spirits!

On a more serious note, I've found that many Christians tend to view God's plan as a justification for why bad things happen in their lives and an excuse not to do anything about them. It's one thing to read the Bible and pray, but there are many times when God seems to be whispering from miles away. During those times, it's important to not just sit on your Biblical ass, but instead to continue living and making decisions.

God's plan is disturbingly close to predestination at times, which is a subject that causes my head to explode. Do I believe God has a plan for my life? Sure. Do I believe that that plan is specificly laid out in great detail and the slightest variation from it could spell eternal damnation in a lake of fire? Not so sure. We were created to have free will, so I wonder if God's plan consists of what we were going to do anyways.

Reveling in the knowledge that Sammitch will never interrupt my nookie ever again. 112,000 RACK Points!