DCD's released 6 Batman Figs with black capes:
  • "Signature Series" Batman (which was a repaint of Hush Bats). It looked pretty cool, but only hardcore collectors'll shell out $200 for a black Batman fig and 2 resin prototypes.
  • The two figs based on Turner's Art ("Identity Crisis" Bats and "The Supergirl from Krypton" Batman.) Both figures were hideous.

  • "Public Enemies" Batman. Ed McGuinness' artwork didn't translate well to plastic, as this figure looks so cartoonish it can almost be called Playskool Batman. The lack of posability and short cape didn't help either.

  • The Batman that was part of last year's JLA gift set. Looked like Adam West. Disappointing.

  • Alex Ross' "Justice" Batman, which has the most detailed sculpt of the bunch. It even comes with a foldable Batarang that can be stored in Batman's Utility belt! But the 7 inch scale is too tall for the (normally) 6 inch scale DCD figs.

Still, I see where you're comin from Rob. It'd be nice to have a well-sculpted, black-caped Batman figure that's in scale with all the others.