Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death
Ah, so I'm not picking on some two-hundred-pounds-or-less little wuss? Cool.(No he weighs 202 pounds!)

A serious challenge, then. We'll have to make it fairly open-ended, since the odds are against us being anywhere near each other ... but y'never know.(This all depends on which planet you live on!)

Since I'm making the challenge, Britney, I suppose form demands that you get to choose the arena. Bare fists? Gloves? It's up to you.(I can see so many sexual conotations here,bare fists or gloves,hmmmm sounds likean anal probing to me! bsams is always up for that!)

C'mon. I've been itching for a real, hands-on fight for months, and it sounds as though you'd be the perfect guy to help me out with that itch. And we'll do it the right way, too. Civilized. No stabbing each other in the back, no sneaking up in the dark ... just two guys dealing with their crap like guys.(That itching will probably be the crabs! But since when is fighting in any shape or form classed as civilised?)

A duel. If it's the only way to demonstrate to you just how cool you're not -- and it seems clear that it is -- I'm eager and willing. Nothing wrong with giving or taking an honest beating.(You like taking beatings? Sounds a bit kinky to me!)

S'up to you. Sure, it might seem a little strange, and even a bit childish, but we're both grown men, right?(Are you really,coulda fooled me!) We have the right to settle our differences in such a way, if we're both agreeable. And if you're not the sort of guy that can handle that kind of thing, you should've shut up well before saying I'm a child molester.(I didnt see him call YOU anything,are you the only Jack in this world? did you not notice allan1`s point that it was a movie quote?)

One way or another, it would do us all some good, I think.(Only good I can see is if you just shut the fuck up & grow the fuck up!)

What do you say?(Well I say the only reason you are making these threats is cause you are on the net & not in the real world,its easy to be a big man on here isnt it you idiot!)