This is perhaps the funniest thread I have ever read.
From the getgo, this farce of a confrontation was so hillariously absurd I'm confident it could make the front page of a national tabloid, "two men kill each other after arguing online". I honestly hope no-one takes this seriously in ANY way, for fear that such a person's sense of reality shall be unalterably distorted forever(and they might take offense).
quote:Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death: And I'm sorry, Lor ... I'm being as civilized as I know how to be. The guy called me a child molester -- and has yet to apologize for it. Smacking him about the head and torso seems quite necessary, for his good as much as for my own.
And isn't this civilized, in a way? We aren't saying that "might makes right." We aren't claiming that I'll be right and Britney will be wrong after I tie him up like a pretzel. We aren't letting other people get caught in any crossfire, we shouldn't have any kind of "colateral damage." This is just about the idea that if you're willing to offend a person's honor, you should be willing to back it up. If you cause harm to another person and expect to risk no consequences, you're just a punk.
This is the same guy that champions the idea of dropping bombs on little kids, too. I'm curious to see if he's willing to put his money where his mouth is. I want to see if these guys are all talk, like I suspect. He's willing to order the death of little kids on the other side of the world, but is he willing to get his own nose broken?
There's no crime in getting your ass kicked, Britney. It happens to everybody, sooner or later, even if you do everything right. Especially if you do everything right.
Oh Hunk you dont have to apologize. I know you could knock short man into the next universe. And what he said was wrong and you have every right to take a stand to defend your self.
Not only did he insult your charactor he acused you of something that you, me and everyone who knows you, knows is not true.
Due to this pittyful attempt to bash you youve stuck strong and I'm glad you did.
I just wish they would keep the bashing down to only you instead of bringing poor Red into it. That was not right as well. She did nothing wrong but stick up for you. I do hope shes okay.
So yeah beat Mister Short man and all his NB friends up. Maybe then they will understand who's the man. They should really grow up instead of acting like little 14 year old boyz hanging out at the libaray with nothing else to do but to try and down grade a gentlemen.
quote:Originally posted by Lor: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death: [qb]And I'm sorry, Lor ... I'm being as civilized as I know how to be. The guy called me a child molester -- and has yet to apologize for it.
Not only did he insult your charactor he acused you of something that you, me and everyone who knows you, knows is not true.
IT......WAS.....A.......MOVIE QUOTE!!! He didn't accuse anyone of anything!! I've said it twice now.God,but you're all fucking retards!!!!
It's from "THE BIG LEBOWSKI"!!!! Rent it,watch it & apply it.
quote:Originally posted by Lor: I just hope next time BSAMS thinks before bashing someone next time.
(yes even Shorts has a brain to think with, not a big one, but its a brain none the less)
.....i have taken time to reflect upon my actions, the words i typed may have been hurtful, malicious, and perhaps contentious. upon further review of my actions, and the corresponding reactions, i have decided that perhaps i still dont give a rats ass!
quote:Originally posted by Nowhereman: Allan,did you hear what Franta called you? Apparently he said "You Fargin corksucka,I`ll stick it up your fargin icehole!"
Say it?
What do you think I did when I first met him?!?!??
quote: Wow,MisterGay LA dislikes someone more than me,now there is an achievment!
I don't dislike you, Nowhereman. You've been known to write some pretty good posts. It's just are so incredibly gay, that no matter how good your posts are, I feel compelled to mock you out. That's all.
Jack, however, has nothing to offer, except "Shrub" and/or right-wing comments, and challenges to throw down on Orcas land.
Presuming that your challenge to me follows the same parameters as my challenge to Britney, I choose boxing, with gloves. No ring. My island. We beat the hell out of each other until one of us gives up or can't continue.
I can arrange for some people who know their way around emergency care to be on hand, just in case. The gloves should keep any really bad accidents from happening, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
At your earliest convenience. And thank you for stepping up. I was starting to think you guys had absolutely no balls at all.