Ok I just had a great idea! Jack,you are really desperate for a fight yeah! Well,I`ll tell ya what,why dont you come n fight me,I pretty bored! If you are really itching for a fight,you wont mind travelling to England,& if you dont show it is obvious you are scared! I mean,you think bsams should pay to travel to that shit scab of an area you call home,so why should I not expect you to travel to me? Yes thats it,I`m calling you out gaylord! Come to England & lets see what you are made of!
Actually, as I told Britney, I'm willing to travel for the chance to beat him up. :)
I only suggested using my island because it has a lot of logistical advantages, not the least of which is that it has a grand total of three cops (maybe four in the summer), none of whom particularly care what the poor kids do as long as the rich summer people aren't disturbed. I'm just not entirely certain about the legality of what I'm proposing -- I don't think it's technically illegal for two guys to agree to fight, as long as nobody dies.
I've also got some infrastructure here. This isn't exactly the first time this kind of thing has happened around here. It's an island. We don't get many comicbooks and unless you've got cable or satellite, all of our TV channels are Canadian. People get bored.
I also stated, however, that since I was the one that gave the challenge, Britney is the one that gets to choose the method and place. If he wants to choose some other place, that's up to him. All I ask is a reasonable amount of time to get there. I can understand why he might not want to use my island, since that might give me a certain home-turf advantage.
Not that it can make much of a difference. If Britney is the kind of guy I think he is -- and so far I've seen little to indicate that I might be wrong -- we could fight in his kitchen, I could have both hands tied my back and be blindfolded and really really high and he'd still get his ass kicked.
And I'm sorry, Lor ... I'm being as civilized as I know how to be. The guy called me a child molester -- and has yet to apologize for it. Smacking him about the head and torso seems quite necessary, for his good as much as for my own.
And isn't this civilized, in a way? We aren't saying that "might makes right." We aren't claiming that I'll be right and Britney will be wrong after I tie him up like a pretzel. We aren't letting other people get caught in any crossfire, we shouldn't have any kind of "colateral damage." This is just about the idea that if you're willing to offend a person's honor, you should be willing to back it up. If you cause harm to another person and expect to risk no consequences, you're just a punk.
This is the same guy that champions the idea of dropping bombs on little kids, too. I'm curious to see if he's willing to put his money where his mouth is. I want to see if these guys are all talk, like I suspect. He's willing to order the death of little kids on the other side of the world, but is he willing to get his own nose broken?
There's no crime in getting your ass kicked, Britney. It happens to everybody, sooner or later, even if you do everything right. Especially if you do everything right.
If you guys were so sure about Britney's ability to take me in a fight, you'd be telling him to accept the challenge.
Hey, for all I know, Britney is a tough guy. Maybe even a really tough guy. I doubt it -- my experience is that you generally find brains and balls in the same people, and I've seen none of either from this guy. But I could be wrong.
I'm willing to take that chance. How 'bout you, Britney?
Actually I was talking about how you were trying to tell Lor that you usually dont resort to such tactics but that bsams forced you into it and that you feel you were forced to come down to his level.
Hey coward boy,I have not seen you accept my challenge yet! I`m deadly serious here! You wanna fight,I wanna fight so it sounds like a pretty good idea!
Oh & the reason we are`nt encouraging bsams to fight you,is we dont wanna be arrested as accessories WHEN he murders you!
See this is what shows you to be the ignorant,thick prick that you are! Firstly you have shown your ignorance in two parts,if you knew anything about bsams you would know his penchant (look it up) for quoting the film Big Lebowski,and that he wasnt calling you a child molester,& if you actually had bothered to learn what bsams does when he is in the real world,you would not keep challenging him! Secondly you have shown how thick you are by constantly harping on abou the same empty threats,over & over again! Oh & if you think that two men fighting isnt illegal,then you show once agin how ignorant & thick you are!
I have no knowledge of what you are like in real life so I would never stae that I could kick your arse,but I know what I`m capable of so how abot you take up my challenge you toe rag!
quote:Originally posted by THE Franta: Actually I was talking about how you were trying to tell Lor that you usually dont resort to such tactics but that bsams forced you into it and that you feel you were forced to come down to his level.
All kidding aside, Jack is the biggest fucking tard that I've seen post on the Internet, and I've been reading message boards for well over three years now.
I just thought of something,Maybe Jack should show up next year at the Naturecon? That would give him some time to get into shape,Ive seen his picture he's a short weeble of a man.
quote:Originally posted by Drzsmith: I just thought of something,Maybe Jack should show up next year at the Naturecon? That would give him some time to get into shape,Ive seen his picture he's a short weeble of a man.
Really? Where? Maybe we can put it next to BSAMS' and have some laughs...