Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death:
Nowhereman: I accept! Happily. [biiiig grin]

Presuming that your challenge to me follows the same parameters as my challenge to Britney, I choose boxing, with gloves. No ring. My island. We beat the hell out of each other until one of us gives up or can't continue.

I can arrange for some people who know their way around emergency care to be on hand, just in case. The gloves should keep any really bad accidents from happening, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

At your earliest convenience. And thank you for stepping up. I was starting to think you guys had absolutely no balls at all.

What a completely gay copout! I mean,of course everyone knows you're full of shit,but now it's boxing gloves. You fuckin' pussy. If you were fighting me I'd give you a belly to back suplex and crack your head open on a brick wall. And thats real life. What a fuckin' pussy. I suppose if you were employed you'd go to England though.