Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death:
This is why I didn't want to be a Nature Boy about a year ago, when one of you guys (I forget who it was -- you all kind of blur together in my mind) asked if I wanted to play. It's because you guys are pretty much useless. You're worse than useless, actually. You pick fights for other people, but you take no risks yourselves.

You are, in short, cowards.

You aren't funny cowards, or creative cowards, or clever cowards. You're just cowards.

You'll tear up my post, but you won't say anything interesting. You'll just blather on, mindlessly, as you always do, and then you'll pat yourselves on the back for it. You'll continue your little circle-jerk of stupidity, because it's easier than actually doing anything.

....shit, i never thought about it that way.....