Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death:
This is why I didn't want to be a Nature Boy about a year ago, when one of you guys (I forget who it was -- you all kind of blur together in my mind) asked if I wanted to play. It's because you guys are pretty much useless. You're worse than useless, actually. You pick fights for other people, but you take no risks yourselves.

You are, in short, cowards.

You aren't funny cowards, or creative cowards, or clever cowards. You're just cowards.

You'll tear up my post, but you won't say anything interesting. You'll just blather on, mindlessly, as you always do, and then you'll pat yourselves on the back for it. You'll continue your little circle-jerk of stupidity, because it's easier than actually doing anything.

About a month ago, I was arguing with this buddy of mine who said that Americans were all wusses, that we're Paper Tigers, that we're all talk. All bark, no bite. So I bet him five bucks, and said that if I challenged someone in America to a fight, the offer would be accepted. I tried to explain to him that even the worst of us aren't really cowards, not at heart. I said that even a Republican, Shrub-kissing moron at least has the guts to risk a broken nose rather than just cheering on the deaths of innocent people a few continents away.

Oh, well. Take heart, Britney. You cost me five bucks.


Jack. Oh, Jack. Why are you obsessing with the Nature Boys? Go out into the sunlight and find yourself a nice girl or a nice guy (Allan1 seems to be available if you swing that way.) and get yourself a LIFE! There is so much wrong with the post quoted that I truly fear for your mental stability. First off, us Nature Boys are an international conspiracy of fun-loving scondrels and to group us as one nationality shows your stupidity and predeliction towards grouping that which you can't understand under an umbrella arrangement that makes those little hamsters turn that little wheel inside your head until they fall gasping for breath. And Gob knows those hamsters have no business churning those wheels in your head. They belong up your ass! Ta-ta! I'll let you know the second thing wrong with your post soon. Right now I got to go cower behind a girl scout!