Originally posted by Captain Howdy:
bsams is a cunt!
Allan1 is a cunt
Drzsmith is a cunt!
Nowhereman is a cunt!
Franta is a cunt!
LLance is a cunt!

Jack,you are not a cunt!
A cunt is useful,you are not!
Fuck off you goat blower!

Jack, wouldn't you like to be a cunt too? It's easy!

1)Grow up!
2)Get out of your mom's basement!
3)Get a life...or a blow-up Bea Arthur doll! Your choice! (Be careful here, Jack! Your future cuntiness depends on your choice!)

I would also like to point out to all that Captain Howdy is not a cunt, but a DICK! He is such a DICK only capital letters can be utilized to let the world know what a big DICK he is! One day, if you try hard Jack, you may be a big DICK too! Right now you're just a little saw-offed pecker and there is nothin sadder in the whole world unless you're the guy behind Captain Howdy in the bathroom!