Originally posted by Jack, the Little Death:
Actually, as I told Britney, I'm willing to travel for the chance to beat him up. :)

I only suggested using my island because it has a lot of logistical advantages, not the least of which is that it has a grand total of three cops (maybe four in the summer), none of whom particularly care what the poor kids do as long as the rich summer people aren't disturbed. I'm just not entirely certain about the legality of what I'm proposing -- I don't think it's technically illegal for two guys to agree to fight, as long as nobody dies.

I've also got some infrastructure here. This isn't exactly the first time this kind of thing has happened around here. It's an island. We don't get many comicbooks and unless you've got cable or satellite, all of our TV channels are Canadian. People get bored.

I also stated, however, that since I was the one that gave the challenge, Britney is the one that gets to choose the method and place. If he wants to choose some other place, that's up to him. All I ask is a reasonable amount of time to get there. I can understand why he might not want to use my island, since that might give me a certain home-turf advantage.

Not that it can make much of a difference. If Britney is the kind of guy I think he is -- and so far I've seen little to indicate that I might be wrong -- we could fight in his kitchen, I could have both hands tied my back and be blindfolded and really really high and he'd still get his ass kicked.
