I am Barrister Samson.S.Keneth an Attorney at law, andthe Personal lawyer to Engineer W.A.Dressner,a foreigncitizen who used to work as research and productiontechnology in Shell oil company of Togo,Hereinaftershall be referred to as my client.
On the 21st of April,2002,my client,his wife and theirtwo children were involved in a car accident alongKarra-Sokode expressway while arriving from a Holidayto Lome.All occupants of the vehicle unfortunatelylost their lives. Since then,I have made severalinquiries to your Embassy to locate any of my client’sextended relatives and this has also provedunsuccessful.I am contacting you to assist in claimingthe sum of US$7.5 million in cash, which the deceaseddeposited with a Security Company in HOLLAND forsafekeeping.
The Security Company in HOLLAND has issued me a noticeto provide the next of kin of my late client or havethe deposit with them declared an "bandonedProperty"through the laid down legal procedures withinone Month.Since I have been unsuccessful in locatingthe relatives for over one year now,I therefore,seekyour consent to present you asthe next of kin of thedeceased since you have the same last name so that theproceed of this deposit valued at US$7.5 million canbe released to you, and I and you can share the moneyat an agreed proportion.
You will be required to open a non-residence Bankaccount in HOLLAND where you will pay in the moneywhen it is released to you by the Security Company.Upon your acceptance to this proposal,the informationof the Security Company will be furnished to you sothat you establish a contact with them and inform themof your readiness to come and claim the deposit withthem.
Every information relating to the deposit will begiven to you which you shall use to identify yourselfas the next of kin of my late client.Please contact meeither through my emailfor more details.