r3x, I realize that you think if you pad your posts enough, you'll just scare off any trace of argument, but you have to understand that your childish ad hominem isn't going to make your points.


r3x29yz4a said:
no, its not. Terrorist groups are essentially a few crazy leaders followed by people who truly believe that this is the only way.
We must sell peace and democracy through building bridges and settling feuds.

It's too bad you weren't around in the 70s to try and sell that to the Ayatollah. I'm sure he and they would have listened to you.


The dictators can't thrive if their people truly want change. Right now, America is just a big bad coming in and blowing up people. That encourages terrorism as every person we kill has a family member looking for guidance and understanding.

I'm sorry if you feel that retaliation is a form of a "Big Bad America." I guess we can't all be pacifists waiting for our enemies to destroy us while we stand in front of the firing range preaching about peace and anti-war while the terrorists cock their AKs.


Obviously you never heard of any of the many many phrases from Jesus about peace and love. No, you go for vengeance over justice.

"I come not as a facilitator of peace. But as a sword."

We've been over this before--Many times. In which case, it's better if you simply stick to hating Christianity rather than trying to use it to your advantage since it makes you look like such a fool.

God said turn the other cheek. But He also said to lay down your life for your friends. If you're the only one being wronged, then don't bother with vengeance, but if someone else is in danger, you would logically step in. In which case, our government is stepping in to keep us from harm by attacking those who would plot against us. Your childish buffoonery about giving everyone a flower and calling it a day would kill us.


This is a fragile time. Anything of value to America's ideals must be preserved. That's how we win, not by poisoning our national soul with betrayed morality.

You believe in a soul? HA!

So, for the record, your definition of "winning" would be us not doing what it took to ensure the physical safety of Americans if the alternative meant to torture someone or blow up a crowd of enemy soldiers? Even if our entire country was wiped off the face of planet by a bomb that's location remained hidden because we chose to follow your arrogant and immature ideals of "morality" and not do what it took to stop it, you'd still consider a victory?

You can keep your morality. I'm more practical. and please don't confuse America's traditional ideals with your own. Your implication that they're the same is utter BS.


If it was a Catholic funeral with IRA members?

What's your question? All you did was type a sentence fragment and then put a question mark at the end of it.

If you're asking me if I would bomb an IRA funeral, then the answer would be yes--Granted that they were my enemies at the time.


I would only side with the group that believes in morality. I'd rather kill myself then become a monster to stop monsters. America has a fucked up history with lots of blood. The only good thing, the thing that truly strengthens our roots, is the founding father's ideals of a better world and of a free world with people being able to govern themselves. And thankfully this fucked up species that has poisoned and raped the world has enough decency in it to leave a glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow.
Those ideals, those principles, those ethics, those morals, that simple idea that right doesn't do wrong to beat wrong is the only thing that makes this world worth living.
So yeah if we have to miss an opportunity because we won't bomb a funeral. I have no problem.
And FYI, the Taliban only became "evil" in our eyes after they rejected an oil pipeline plan. And the Taliban kept Opium out of Afghanistan, which is now rapant. Until we can offer a solid solution, we have no right to talk.
Get out of mommy's basement, Maxwell. Don't just read some sociological book on the history of war. Try meeting people, seeing people, living in the world, and understanding people.

..............What the motherfuck.........

Not only do you just pad your post with more gibberish about ideals, whilst not actually bothering to explain the mechanics of the morality of which you reference, but then you also make light of a terrorist organization--The one that sheltered Osama Bin Laden for fuck's sake!


Muslim is not the same as terrorist. As much as David Koresh is not the same as all christians.

On the contrary, you tell us to embrace those particular terrorists because they're Muslims. Lets not forget about all of your self-indulgent rants about how Muslims are much more provocative and fascinating than other religions.