Everybody needs a llancing at one time or another! [wink]

So...where do I fit into this "Nature Boy" equation? I'm the guy everybody makes fun of...including myself!

My pics are so famous I now have people stopping me on the street. I'm quite often buzzed by the WEBN traffic copter because gawkers foolishly crash into one another while honking their car horns at me in traffic! I can't even go out to eat in public w/o some "Nature Boy" drones storming my table asking for autographs! Did you know that several busboys have asked me to take off my shirt so they could see first hand my massive man-boobies? Did you know several waitresses have given me their tip money to put my shirt back on? My world is all one big "Nature Boy" merry-go-round and I must ask if there is truly anything wrong with that?!? Huh? Huh? Huh?