Hello all, I finally got a DVD player today, and I have a question about the multiple versions of Army of Darkness that are available.
There is the regular version with the Ash cover, then another "Director's Cut" with a less distinctive cover. At a glance, they seem to have most of the same features, and both cost $22 at Best Buy.
But then I saw a "Bootleg Director's Cut" of Army of Darkness that comes in a plain brown package with handwritten text. It is actually labeled "Bruce Campbell Vs. Army Of Darkness." Apparently this version has several deleted scenes and "the original ending," plus commentary by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. Its simple box has a note from Bruce saying this is as close to the version he and Raimi wanted as was possible. It is also $12, whereas the "normal" versions of AoD are $22.
I am intrigued by this, because it is cheaper, more authentic, and has the commentary, which I'm sure is a hoot. Has anyone seen this version, or could give me a comparison? I'd hate to buy an inferior product, and I'm sure I'm not the only fan of this movie around these parts.