Quote: Nowhereman said: How can you tell what type of story telling it is by looking at a 30 second commercial?
That it's gonna be real quippy and self-indulgent. Exactly like Dr. Who. It's all execution, but no explanation. Bypassing all of the world governments and policies isn't as simple as saying, "We're beyond those organizations." The thinking behind the Tardis is in the same boat.
Firstly, the characters are from Dr.Who, so why would they act any different to what they did in the show? And when does Who not explain things? The Tardis has been explained many times over.
And as for bypassing governments, I can think of hundreds of US films & tv shows that do this to a much larger expent.
Torchwood, from my recollection, was set up by the government then made itself more & more powerful than it was sposed to be..........kinda like Bush!
Its really no different to the way "The Family" is always shown as being above the law!
I pity you sometimes Pariah. I would really like to know how someone can be so negative about so much in life when they havent even lived yet. How you are entertained by anything is a mystery to me!