
Nowhereman said:
On Wednesday night I went out with a bunch of work colleagues and got totally rat arsed!

Basically we just wanted to have a little fun, and normally I'd drink anyone under the table.

I dont actually remember half the night as I downed so many evil spirits in about ten minutes, that my brain turned off, and my stomach turned on.

I was throwing up all of the place & even pass out in my own vomit!

I was finally carried out by my friends & the bouncers, who had to lift the table out of the way as nobody could actually lift me otherwise!

What killed me is this.

In the forst hour I had two pints of lager, then followed this with a double Jack Daniels!
Had I continued like this, I would have been fine, butttttttt.....
I went to the bar to buy another double JD, and the rather lovely young bar maid dared me to down it in one!
Deciding to take the dare I purchased two doubles, one to down there & then, and one to take back to my table!
So down the first one I did, but then she dared me to down the other as well.
I told her that I would only do it if I got a kiss........whichshe gave me, then down went the second double!

I then walked back to the table where a shot was waiting for me, and down that went too!

Then, a guy who I know suggested buying a white rum called Arabian Facebuster!
I went to the bar & ordered 8 doubles of that.
When I returned to the table, I realised I only needed seven, so I downed two of those!

Now this was some heavy drinking, but what made it worse was the Facebuster was something like 88% alcohol or something equally lethal!

At this point I had to stop myself vomitting, which was probably the biggest mistake I made, as getting it out of my system would have been a lot better for me!

Within half an hour I was unconcious, waking only to deposit bile from the devils arse on the table & floor of the bar!

I dont suffer hangovers, but my guts were still off til sometime this evening!
A three day recovery has gotta be my best ever!


Happy friends

Chicks dig adrunk

Are you my new friends............lunch

I'll rip his tongue off later


I heard a rumour there is a picture of me in my sleeping pool of vomit glory somewhere out there. If I find it, I will share it!

bah! tricked into reading rob's blog!