I'm fine with Bellatrix being a villian for now. Or she's working for a villian, however you want to look at it.

Bit of trivia when I came up with her -- she's actually something me and my brother worked on together, except the armor was actually a demon fighting other demons with a human host so he could regain his soul and go back to heaven. 'X-files' meets 'ouched by an Angel' meets 'The Little Mermaid' (the Anderson version, not the Disney version). I took 'Nicole', twisted her background a little bit, and made Bellatrix. I wanted her to be named after a star (since the technology is 'space age') and Bellatrix is a star in the constellation Orion.


thedoctor said:
This is why communication is so important. CJ and I PMed about her and my characters. We found out what we needed to know about each and were able to write without screwing up each others' plans or characters. I also like that it gave that Valiant Comics feel of characters from different books having cameos just because they happened to be close to each other but not really interact.

Just as a note -- I really never understand anyone's comic writer references. "Jackie, that's so Grant Morrison of you!" For the record, please translate statements like that.

"You're either lying or stupid."
"I'm stupid! I'm stupid!"
Megatron and Starscream