Regarding the outcome of the story, I like Pro's idea of two group fighting each other. I also still like the usual team of freaks like the MBL or Vanguard, maybe just with a twist, like them being more or less all villains captured and put in a sort of Suicide Squad, driven by some secret agency.

What I don't think it would last is to have them just crossing paths "a la Valiant", without never coming "together" (in one or two teams), in whatever new, different, strange way we could think of.

If they have to be solo stories, I would prefer to be each one in its own separate thread. else, it would break the old rules, wouldn't they?

That doesn't mean that they must group soon. I am perfectly at ease to have a long time where they works solo before they met; that helps to flesh them out well by their respective characters before the writings of the others turns them inevitably into something different...

Another thing is that the treath(s), if they are from outside (and not one or more of our own characters) must be really big. The level of power we have created is enough big to stop a war...

Last edited by Eurostar; 2006-10-31 5:19 AM.