
Prometheus said:
It happens. Helps to keep us from burning out. If I don't want to make another post yet, I'm not going to force myself. Then, after a day or two, I'll sit down and knock out a huge chunk. Then, take another few days. It's a cycle. Sit back and get comfortable. We rarely move too fast on the writing front...

Okay! I am finally at the point where I am writing almost every day, myself. I plan on writing other stories soon that have nothing to do at all with The Champions, though I enjoy writing about them.

As you can see, Darmo is in for the fight of his life.. against an even more powerful robot than he!

Will he defeat Martan? Will he be able to find Carol's brother in the devastation that used to be LA? Stay tuned!

I like this thread a lot! It got me to write about things and people that are outside the continuity of what I normally write about.

Oh, yeah, I like your avatar..and the Next Gen thing in your sig. Very nice!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.