
Chewy Walrus said:
At some point, I would like to reveal a bit more about Seven's character, past, and powers but, thus far, the story is really not presenting me much opportunity. I would like to say something definitive now to avoid confusion later... but I would rather any revelations as to any of that stuff happen organically rather than feel forced. If you have any questions, send me a PM. I may or may not give a satisfactory answer based on the nature of the question.

Also, Euro, not to step on your toes, but I reworded the 'reveal' about Emmanuel in my post to give more interaction between Li and Seven and to break it up into a conversation format. I think Seven would be reacting to that info rather than just digesting it all in one take. Lemme know what you think...

Wonderful, Chewy. Please step over my toes more often!