Chewy: Great posts. man. I'm digging Seven. Can't quite get a feel of his personality just yet. Still, a-man-in-motion is fun to watch. Good stuff.

Doc: You are concentrating on what you do best, and that's attention to detail. The line after the helicopters fire into the mountain range, where you describe how the heat of the impact mixed with the mountain air to create a thick fog.......fucking brilliant. It never would have occurred to me to make that type of realistic connection in the moment. That insignificant insight was serious sweetness. Good stuff.

Jerry: Darmo reminds me so much of the Iron Giant, I can't get him out of my head. And, while I truly dig the personality and emotion you blend in him, I have to point something out that I don't like. Doc has created an artificial body, and implanted it with the mind of a person. You have now created an artificial body, and implanted it with the mind of a person. I hope I don't have to explain how the similiarities are glaring here. While I love Darmo, I'd really love to see you offer a different character, or concept into this world. With Doc already covering the angle you seem to be inherently duplicating, there's no point in having two of the exact same character-types.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm carefully watching how Chewy evolves Seven before I make any more posts with my character. Initially, I wanted Norrin to be a dashing, adventureous swashbuckler. However, since Seven already seems perfectly fitted for the dashing, smooth adventurer, I will probably mold Norrin into something of a rogue...much like "Sawyer" on LOST. The point is, when writing with a group, you have to be willing to compromise and take different paths with your characters than you may have started wth.

Take all of this into consideration. Really observe what everyone is writing, and how they are writing it. Take that as your influence on what kind of world we're trying to build. Find your own unique niche, with your own unique character. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, or, just ask everyone here in this thread.

Notwedge: I have to say, of all the characters introduced, I'm digging yours and CJ's the most. There's something very cool and unique about this mystical ninja. Of course, take into consideration that I have no idea or connection to anything manga. So, please take the time to flesh him out for the rest of us, cause, I'm not going to pick up on any manga-influenced hints. And, just so you know, I swear I won't kill him...

CJ: As I said above, Bella is a brilliant creation. I love how you've found the marginal line of keeping her from falling into a stereotypical "female cyborg" niche. You've expertly detailed how she works, her limits, and her personality. I can't wait to get a chance to write her.

Euro: I have to say, I was wrong. At first, I thought the idea of a Spectre-type character was a bad one. I thought it was too over-the-top. And, the jury is still out on how you will handle him in the future. But, for now, it seems with you playing the role of "supporting character/antagonist", you've really given the story a core purpose. And that's something we generally lack. So, very well done, man. Keep it up.

Phil & SPAM: No-shows...

As for me, I'm just biding my time. I've already spoken to Chewy who is going to help my character find his way into these stories. But, I'm in no hurry. I have nothing to write, right now. Therefore, I'm not going to force it.

Still, loving the story...