This is my inspiration for Darmo :

8 Th Man, a cartoon that debuted in the USA in fall, 1964.
I was seven years old when I first saw it. 8 Th Man was Detective Brady, who was on a case and was run over by a gangster's car. Professor Genius found him ( How convienent!) and transferred the dying man's brain electronically into the body of his 8 th robotics experiment.

The poor guy wakes up, freaks out when he finds out what's happened to him and smashes a solid steel table with his hand!

He then realizes that he now has great power. The Professor urges him to use that power for good.

The man takes the name " Detective Tobor ( Robot spelled backwards.. lucky thing everyone in the cartoon was stupid back in 1964, or they'd have figured THAT one out in 2 seconds!) and fights crime disguised as a man, who is able, through the use of plastic skin, to disguise himself as anyone he wishes. He can run at supersonic speeds, fly for brief periods of time when he builds up enough momentum, can record and play back everything he sees, and has great strength.

When he ran down on energy, as the uranuim in his chest could only release so much at a time, he'd smoke a cigarrette. Good thing robots don't get cancer! I have 15 or so of his adeventures on vhs, may get more eventually, there are 50 altogether.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.