
Cowgirl Jack said:
I *heart* Chewy!

Right back atcha, baby!


Seriously, I think this was a very well coordinated effort on everyone. Chewy did exactly what I needed him to do. Props to him.

I thank you, my dear.


Oh, and the Bible verses was awesome.

That was Euro - a brilliant idea, I thought. He mentioned Nwanjoku spoke only in Scripture, so I decided to play around with that idea... which lead to that post.


During my mini-break I wondered if you would use that bit from...isn't there a part where someone's talking to God, and He says something like "for the sake of the ten [good people in the town] I wont destroy the city...for the sake of the one..." etc etc etc. I can't think of it right now.

Genesis 18:23-32 - Abraham pleading to God for the city of Sodom

I thought about using those verses, but I honestly couldn't find a spot for them. There were some others I wanted to use as well that I (again) couldn't find room for. I might use them again for something else. We shall see...