
Eurostar said:
Well, TTT, I don't think what you said it's really true... Both Pete, Kris and the first Mason Templar were loved by most of the Vanguard writers. The only problem could have been that you kept them alive for too short span of time...

As for the creativity you invested... think of your pulp posts about Chance... those were exceptionally good...

Thanks. I generally consider Chance and Mason Templar as more-or-less successful characters (although I was never quite happy with how I treated Pete -- he would've fit in better in a different story context). When I spoke about my most recent characters that didn't take, I mean the characters Doug and Argent, both of whom haven't been used much and certainly not to their full advantages. I'm hesitant about beginning with another new character when those two characters seem like unfinished business to me.