
Prometheus said:
I'm aware of your opinions on the concept that I...and my opinions...are the downfall of modern comics. And civilization. We've discussed this bit before.

No, I'm not saying that. I'm simply noting that, while you prefer to read a certain type of story, others do not and that, contrary to your insinuation, you don't "have" to read those stories. (Your word, not mine)

I'm also specutlating that, perhaps, we all need to recognize that certain chracters work better as more innocent ones and that we should not try to change those particular characters. I think we also need to recognize that, if certain characters don't "progress" the way we want them to, maybe we need to accept they aren't the characters we should worry about reading now that we're adults.

Maybe, just maybe, some comic book characters are like the toys we played with. Instead of still playing with the same toys at age 40 we played with at age 4, and demanding the toys change, we should put those particular toys down, find ones that are more age appropriate for us, and let the current crop of kids discover the old toys the same way we did.