Robert Hayes was not one who was prone to paranoia. He was actually a sensible man, all things considered, carefully weighing the pros and cons of every situation before making a move that would either be considered rash or imprudent.
Today, however, he could not shake that feeling. You know that feeling. That feeling in the pit of your stomach that slowly begins to consume every part of you and lets you know, quite unmistakably... that you are about to have a terrible day indeed.
Miles away...
There is a clearing of trees on the outskirts of the City. It being a quiet morning, few people if any noticed the birds suddenly flying off and the low hissing whine of a
Firespray-class ship landing amid the clearing.
Hydraulics hissed as the landing gear descended, a ramp coming out the base of the ship. A man clad in Mandalorian armor, several Wookiee pelts adorning his clothes, stepped down, brandishing a blaster rifle in his hands.
He was unconcerned with anyone seeing the
Slave I. His work would be finished before anyone would notice.
Robert Hayes owed a considerable amount of money to Jabba the Hutt. He had not paid. As such, a bounty had been placed on his head - a bounty that Boba Fett intended to collect.
Equadistant from Hayes' position... in the other direction...
Outside a motorcycle bar on the outskirts of town, strange things were happening. Lightning flashed. An energy ball surged and, when it was all over, a naked man stood in its place.
The bikers had laughed and pointed and jeered. What else could be expected? Naked people appearing out of nowhere are funny... especially when you're drunk and listening to ZZ Top.
The man had then killed them all, stealing the clothes from one of the men - the one closest to his size. Bending down to pick up a pair of sunglasses, the behemoth that looked like a man walked out the door.
To the naked eye (no pun intended), he was an ordinary man in biker duds. Inside, however, he was a machine programmed with one objective.
Robert Hayes will create technology vital to the Resistance. His research must be terminated. He must be terminated.
Boba Fett versus The Terminator