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Ironically a lot of Muslims admire Hitler.

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PJP said:
is that an autographed copy?

not unless his name was "Nicks N. Faded Patches Hitler."

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I think that was Eva Braun's pet name for him.

In any event, unless Obama is a Muslim and a Hitler admirer, which is a new one on me, isnt this off topic?

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Off topic is hip and cool now in this forum ...

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the G-man said:
I think that was Eva Braun's pet name for him.

In any event, unless Obama is a Muslim and a Hitler admirer, which is a new one on me, isnt this off topic?

are you going to edit the posts and move the topic?
Go ahead!

Oh, can't. You have no power here! Now, begone! Before someone drops a house on you too.

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Just trying to help, Ray. I didn't want someone thinking you were accusing our Muslim friend here of being a Nazi.

If the San Fran thought police traced your ISP you could end up in one of their reeducation camps.

Oh, by the way, how's that "Religion and Deep Thoughts" modship working out.

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PJP said:
I'm personally for the r3x29yz4a religion.


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First Amongst Daves said:
How do Jesse Jackson and all those all stalwarts make of him?


the G-man said:
Some reports indicate that there is a distinct lack of enthusiasm among so-called civil rights leaders

More articles, from the Washington Post and the Politico, demonstrating that black support for Obama's presidential run may be tepid at best.

This could actually be a good thing for Obama, especially in the general election. The more distance there is between Obama and the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jackson of the world, the better it may be for Obama's long-term goals.

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Unfortunately, it looks like Obama's church may have more in common with the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton wing of Christianity than one might have hoped:

    Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.

    Trinity United Church of Christ adopted the Black Value System written by the Manford Byrd Recognition Committee chaired by Vallmer Jordan in 1981. We believe in the following 12 precepts and covenantal statements. These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered [including]

    Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System

    A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.

Uh, how about a committment to "colorblind" leadership and a non-negotiable commitment to the United States?

The article also has a link to a recent sermon from its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., which recites a laundry list of political, not religious, themes, including:

    "the painful truth of who we are and where it is we are in this racist United States of America!"

    "600,000 dead Iraqi civilians who are dead for no reason other than greed and ego"

    "The President who is “staying the course” and sending 1,500 more troops to their death"

    "the torture of Abu Ghraib, the complete destructions of cities like Fallujah"

    "the larger “war on terror” [has] been based on lies, half-truths and distortions to serve the agenda of the United States imperialism"

    "the 3,000 homeless who are still living or displaced in the real life game called 'New Orleans'"

    "white arrogance"

You know, its funny, but that speech has so little to do with Christ, or Christianity, it could almost be a speech by, dare I say, an Islamic Iman instead of a preacher.

In any event, I can't believe that no one is jumping on the mixing here of church and state.

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Why would they when it serves their purposes so well?

By the way, the above church, like a number of similar churches, adheres to what's called liberation theology, basically Marxism in Christian guise and most notably the belief system of choice for Jim Jones and his followers.


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the G-man said:

More articles, from the Washington Post and the Politico, demonstrating that black support for Obama's presidential run may be tepid at best.

Al Sharpton visited with Obama and other potential candidates recently and reiterated he might run if no other candidate pays what Sharpton considers to be adequate attention on civil rights issues.

So, obviously, Sharpton's support of Obama is far from a given.

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The Washington Post editorializes that Sen. Barack Hussein Obama's political opponents should not sneer at his middle name and argues that "a president with an understanding of Islam ... would be welcomed by those who too often feel misunderstood and slighted by the United States."

Yeah, that's what we need: a president who "understands" Islam.

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Thanks G-man. Since it seems to apply so well to you I'll post the entire editorial.


Sticks, Stones and Mr. Obama
Misleading aspersions about the senator's background only make the perpetrators look bad.

Sunday, January 28, 2007; Page B06

IT'S BECOME a fad among some conservatives to refer to the junior senator from Illinois by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama. This would be merely juvenile if it weren't so contemptible. Republican lobbyist Ed Rogers, on "Hardball," was one of the early adopters of this sleazy tactic. "Count me down as somebody who underestimates Barack Hussein Obama," he said. Radio host Rush Limbaugh, demonstrating his usual maturity, got a chuckle out of the senator's allegedly oversized ears, calling him "Barack Hussein Odumbo." And Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council issued this e-mail alert: "Joining an already glutted field of hopefuls, Sen. Barack Hussein Obama (D-Ill.) announced his candidacy for the 2008 Democratic nomination yesterday."

Insight magazine managed to further degrade the public discourse with a scurrilous "report" alleging that Mr. Obama, as a child in Indonesia, attended a radical Islamic madrassa. In fact, Mr. Obama attended a public school in Jakarta that was predominantly Muslim -- no surprise given that Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country. Insight, whose piece was eagerly touted by Fox News Network, might have learned this if it had bothered to check its story rather than cravenly attributing the false report to "Hillary Clinton's camp," citing unnamed "sources close to the background check" that the New York senator supposedly conducted into Mr. Obama.

When the madrassa story was debunked by CNN and the Associated Press, Insight didn't even have the decency to slink away. "The media uproar over our reporting reveals a media establishment choosing not to ask the tough questions about Obama's Muslim past: If he was raised in a secular household (as he claims), why does he have -- or retain -- Muslim names, Barack and Hussein?" the magazine asked in a posting on its Web site. "Were his father and stepfather as secular as he says? What is the exact nature of Obama's current religious affiliation and what are the beliefs and teachings of his current church in Chicago, the Trinity United Church of Christ?"

Mr. Obama's slimers seem to think such name-calling and Muslim-baiting can score points with the American people. On the contrary, Mr. Obama's multicultural background (his father was Kenyan, and he spent several years living in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather) ought to be viewed as a plus. A president with an understanding of Islam and the developing world would be welcomed by those who too often feel misunderstood and slighted by the United States.

Mr. Obama has never tried to hide his past or his family name: He has written about being educated at a predominantly Muslim school. His father, a non-practicing Muslim, was Barack Hussein Obama Sr. His grandmother is Sara Hussein Obama.

The senator, however, does not use his middle name. Those who take pains to insert it when referring to him are trying, none too subtly, to stir up scary images of menacing terrorists and evil dictators. They embarrass only themselves.

Fair play!
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Heh. Its pretty funny how the Post decries "name calling" and then goes on to deride Obama's critics as ""juvenile," "contemptible," "sleazy,""scurrilous," craven" and "slimers."

But even funnier, as noted above, is that they want a President who "understands" Islam.

Of course, by "understand," they really mean "kowtows to".

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It's an editorial not a news article & I think the writer uses the appropiate words. You've pushed such missinformation as the Islamic madrassa "story" yourself & haven't even acknowledged that it was a lie.

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So "name calling" is okay in an opinion piece?

Well, then...what is the controversy?

Nearly everybody the Post attacked for using Obama's middle name was doing so in the context of an opinion piece....unless, for example, you're making the claim that Rush Limbaugh and guests on "hardball" constitute "hard news."

And Hussein IS his middle name. So its hardly "name calling," is it?

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the G-man said:
But even funnier, as noted above, is that they want a President who "understands" Islam.

Of course, by "understand," they really mean "kowtows to".

there's a difference between understanding and kowtowing. A president who understands it would be able to point out the flaws in the terrorist's interpretation of the religion. and it would avoid minor diplomatic problems that can arise from ignorance.
As a rule, I think to be elected president someone should have an understanding of all the major religions and cultures of the world. Not just be some cowboy wannabe.

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Karl Hungus said:

the G-man said:
But even funnier, as noted above, is that they want a President who "understands" Islam.

Of course, by "understand," they really mean "kowtows to".

there's a difference between understanding and kowtowing. A president who understands it would be able to point out the flaws in the terrorist's interpretation of the religion. and it would avoid minor diplomatic problems that can arise from ignorance.
As a rule, I think to be elected president someone should have an understanding of all the major religions and cultures of the world. Not just be some cowboy wannabe.

You mean well with your post and your really do....and in theory you are 100% correct.

Only problem is that there is no understanding Islam. These people are no better than serial killers and have the same ability as Charles Manson to rationalize with people. Muslims are bad. You can say well not all of them are bad and not all of them commit terror and that is true.....but the "good" muslims don't seem to mind all that much that these terrorists are doing their dirty work. If muslims were good people you would see more muslims denouncing terror and going after the terrorists instead of supporting them in silence.

No matter who is President they will still hate us. I don't know why that is so hard for some of you guys to understand. It wasn't that long ago that Clinton was the most hated man in the Muslim world....and in 2 years they won't even remember Dubya and will focus their attention on the new fresh meat we have in the White House.

The only way the muslims will ever leave us alone is if we give into their demands and stop supporting Israel. I would like to see President Obama do that and lose half the democratic party along with his decision. He'd be a worse one termer than Carter. Part of me hopes Obama wins so you guys can see that I'm right.....the other part of me doesn't want to see him win 'cause I have hardly anything in my wardrobe that would be in style for a nuclear winter.

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See...PJP understands. Barack Hussein Obama does not.

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Racist skeletons in Obama's closet?

    Obama wrote that in high school, he and a black friend would sometimes speak disparagingly “about white folks this or white folks that, and I would suddenly remember my mother's smile, and the words that I spoke would seem awkward and false.”

    As a result, he concluded that “certain whites could be excluded from the general category of our distrust.”

That's mighty white of you Barack

    During college, Obama disapproved of what he called other “half-breeds” who gravitated toward whites instead of blacks. And yet after college, he once fell in love with a white woman, only to push her away when he concluded he would have to assimilate into her world, not the other way around. He later married a black woman.

hmmm...what was it that Freud said about hating your mother?

    He added: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”

Yeah, but he's a "mainstream" politician...riiiight.

    Obama’s racial suspicions were not always limited to whites. For example, after making his first visit to Kenya, he wrote of being disappointed to learn that his paternal grandfather had been a servant to rich whites.

He wrote in “Dreams” that the revelation caused “ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House nigger.”[/list]

Geez, given the times that didn't make him a slave Obama, just a working man.

So much anger in this one. I wonder if this will hurt him with voters?

    ...such expressions of distrust toward whites will not hurt Obama in the Democratic presidential primaries, which are dominated by liberal voters.

    “To win the Democratic nomination, he's got to get a part of the progressive, anti-war, white folks,” she said. “And those white folks tend to be suspicious of any black person who wouldn’t be suspicious of white people.”

But Obama's going to be a positive "uniter"....riiight.

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PJP said:

Karl Hungus said:

the G-man said:
But even funnier, as noted above, is that they want a President who "understands" Islam.

Of course, by "understand," they really mean "kowtows to".

there's a difference between understanding and kowtowing. A president who understands it would be able to point out the flaws in the terrorist's interpretation of the religion. and it would avoid minor diplomatic problems that can arise from ignorance.
As a rule, I think to be elected president someone should have an understanding of all the major religions and cultures of the world. Not just be some cowboy wannabe.

You mean well with your post and your really do....and in theory you are 100% correct.

Only problem is that there is no understanding Islam. These people are no better than serial killers and have the same ability as Charles Manson to rationalize with people. Muslims are bad. You can say well not all of them are bad and not all of them commit terror and that is true.....but the "good" muslims don't seem to mind all that much that these terrorists are doing their dirty work. If muslims were good people you would see more muslims denouncing terror and going after the terrorists instead of supporting them in silence.

No matter who is President they will still hate us. I don't know why that is so hard for some of you guys to understand. It wasn't that long ago that Clinton was the most hated man in the Muslim world....and in 2 years they won't even remember Dubya and will focus their attention on the new fresh meat we have in the White House.

The only way the muslims will ever leave us alone is if we give into their demands and stop supporting Israel. I would like to see President Obama do that and lose half the democratic party along with his decision. He'd be a worse one termer than Carter. Part of me hopes Obama wins so you guys can see that I'm right.....the other part of me doesn't want to see him win 'cause I have hardly anything in my wardrobe that would be in style for a nuclear winter.

I mostly agree PJP. One thing you are missing is that Americans cherish life. We are aghast at 1,000 or 3,000 dead. We are only ever contemplating using tactical nukes not ICBMs. For all the ways people say Americans are evil we aren't because we have never used nuclear blackmail on anyone (I'm not getting into the nuking Japan thing here at all). To America a nuclear first strike other than tactical smaller nukes to destroy bunkers or caves are never an option. But to a muslim country or a communist one-this is entirely not true. China threatens it, N Korea does, Muslim states do as well. The difference is that we cherish life...they do not. Those countries and people generally think collectively not as individuals. I'm not saying they do not feel pain when someone they know dies-that would be inhuman, but they think of life, living, and spreading their idealogy differently than we do.

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Slate has begun a new feature, "the Obama Messiah Watch, which will periodically highlight gratuitously adoring biographical details that appear in newspaper, television, and magazine profiles of this otherworldly presence in our midst."

The first example is a Los Angeles Times piece in which Barack Hussein Obama is praised for, of all things, his note-taking ability.

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For Obama, No News Is Good News

    Obama, riding an astonishing wave of glowing publicity for a candidate 21 months from an election, already has a bubble around him that is tighter than the one that surrounded Texas Gov. George W. Bush, who spent long hours of the fledgling days of his candidacy in bull sessions with reporters.

    A flier for DNC members said, “Senator Barack Obama Cordially invites you to an Evening Reception.” It was held in a medium-sized reception room.

    Reporters were barred.

    As Obama left the hotel reception, smiling and saying, “Thank you AGAIN,” I introduced myself and said, “Good evening, Senator, may I walk with you?” He replied, “You can walk with me. That doesn’t mean you can ask questions.” I chuckled, thinking he was kidding. “But you can certainly walk with me,” he added. The Senator then underscored, “I’m sorry. I’m not answering questions.”

What has he to hide? Is Obama so raw that he cannot parry with the press in a casual atmosphere?

One way to lose a Democratic presidential nomination is to alienate the press. Barack Hussein Obama seems well on his way toward that goal.

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Infidel Press!

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Obama to Announce White House Bid

    The Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill. — where Abraham Lincoln held office before running for president — is the setting for the latest milestone in Sen. Barack Obama's remarkable rise to prominence. The first-term U.S. senator planned to formally announce his candidacy for president Saturday in the city where he began his political career just 10 years ago.

    Obama is a newcomer to the national scene, having served just two years in the Senate, but he already is considered Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's chief rival among many vying for the Democratic nomination. He brings a wealth of political skills but a thin elective resume

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plus he's muslim.

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Praise Allah!

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Obama Calls Name Recognition Big Hurdle

    Barack Obama said Sunday that name recognition would be his toughest challenge in his 2008 presidential campaign.

    His leading rivals for the Democratic nomination are far better known to voters, the Illinois senator said in an Associated Press interview the day after announcing his candidacy.

    "At least two of my fellow candidates have been campaigning for years," Obama said, referring to New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards.

    "They have an infrastructure and name recognition that are higher than mine so there will probably be a higher burden of proof for me," the first-term senator said.

You know, if this were true, I bet that, if he used his middle name more often, people would never have problems recognizing his name.

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I think the fact that he isn't years-deep into politics gives him a big leg up. He hasn't had quite the time to become such a soulless asshole. Plus Hilary is a giant cunt.

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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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muslims are born souless assholes.

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That fits MY ticket! Don't forget, I have no god.

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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

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I thought you said you believed in souls even thought you're an atheist.

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Agnostic, and it doesn't matter anyhow 'cause it's all facetious here.

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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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Mighty absolute for an agnostic...

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On Sunday Barack Hussein Obama, speaking at Iowa State University, made accused the troops of wastingtheir lives:

    We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized, and should have never been waged, and to which we now have spent $400 billion, and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports Obama quickly fired up the nuance machine:

    Obama, in an interview with the Des Moines Register right afterward, told the paper, ''I was actually upset with myself when I said that, because I never use that term,'' he said. ''Their sacrifices are never wasted. . . . What I meant to say was those sacrifices have not been honored by the same attention to strategy, diplomacy and honesty on the part of civilian leadership that would give them a clear mission...We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized, and should have never been waged, and to which we now have spent $400 billion, and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans that have not been honored by the same attention to strategy, diplomacy and honesty on the part of civilian leadership that would give them a clear mission.

But instead of those last 27 words (which don't entirely make sense--e.g., "the same attention" as what?), what came out of his mouth was "wasted."

The Sun-Times notes that Obama is sorry you took what he said the wrong way, which is to say, the way he actually said it:

    By Monday, reporters covering Obama making his first visit as a presidential candidate in New Hampshire, asked Obama, campaigning in a Nashua home, if military families deserved an apology.

    "Well as I said, it is not at all what I intended to say, and I would absolutely apologize if any of them felt that in some ways it had diminished the enormous courage and sacrifice that they'd shown. You know, and if you look at all the other speeches that I've made, that is always the starting point in my view of this war.''

Not a "botched joke," but close.

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I can see Obama's point of view more readilly than I can yours, G-man.

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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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The conscience of the rkmbs!
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Uschi said:
I can see Obama's point of view more readilly than I can yours, G-man.

but only because you've had more black politicians inside you than you have gay lawyers?

Bow ties are coool.
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The conscience of the rkmbs!
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Pariah said:

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