Norman Osborn raised his eyebrows as he glanced at the page in front of him. Apparently, Captain America had been quite busy, assembling a team specifically designed to counter his new assembly of Thunderbolts. The dossiers didn't look too overly impressive, nothing his team shouldn't be able to handle.
A smile crept across the Green Goblin's face as he pressed a button on his desk.
'Yes, Mr. Obsborn?' the voice of his secretary chimed.
"Send in Moonstone, prep
Zeus and at least two T-Wagons. No, make that three."
'Yes, sir.'Osborn smiled. This shouldn't be a problem at all.
Elsewhere...There was a problem, that was all Amanda Waller knew. As her eyes quickly scanned the intel she'd recently received, she couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Someone had actually thought they could construct a team to defeat the Suicide Squad. This was rich.
She picked up her private phone and quickly pressed a few buttons.
'What?' came the voice on the other end.
"Flag," she said, "this is Waller. Assemble the team and await the coordinates I'll be sending you. I've got another job."
A pause, and then:
'Is this a Checkmate-sanctioned op?'"If it were, Flag, I wouldn't be contacting you. Waller out."
As Waller hung up the phone, a look of smug satisfaction crossed her features. This was going to be too easy.

Thunderbolts versus Suicide Squad
For more information about the rosters of each team, check the links below:
Suicide Squad