Where've I been? The real question, sir, is where HAVEN'T I been. [eh?]
No. I'm kidding.

I've been not here. I went back in time yesterday. I don't remember when I came from though. I guess that's supposed to be secret. Or maybe I'm nutty. Or both. Who's to judge?

My job blows. But my sister is going to have her kid by next Friday! Whee! And the weather's been pretty fucking nice. I'm taking my nephiews on a picknick tomorrow. That should be fun.

Oh, the sweetist car was at the store today. It was like a Cruella DeVil car or something. All chrome though. It was TIGHT! And I figured whoever would drive it must be all slick or something. Like a three-piece suit or some shit. Totally decked out. Know what? The guy was wearing fucking SWEATPANTS, a hole-filled and stained t-shirt, white "retard" sneakers, and a fucking porkpie hat. I wanted to kick him for being disrespectful to his car. Fucking commie bastard.

<warning: the rest of this is a personal rant. if you don't give a shit, don't bother to read it. As a girl, just thinking about stuff doesn't suffice - I have to 'sat' it to someone. Even if they don't listen.>

This sucks so much. I wish my dad could land a job. He's been unemployed since 9-11... got laid off. He's sold all his stocks and used all my parent's retirement money. They're fucking BROKE. We used to be upper-middle class, now they get foodstamps. He's working sometimes as a substitute janitor... but that pays less than MY job. It makes me worry, you know? What happens if they can't support themselves? We have no health insurance or anything anymore... I mean, do I need to start providing for my parents now? What happens when they get too old to be in the workforce anymore? I just started College... do I need to house my parents? What is expected? It's so confusing. It's not supposed to be like this. They're supposed to get old, retire, move to Florida in a condo or something... not lose all their money, be living off the government, be jobless and (because the city is expanding the road they live in to a highway) houseless... Money was the only thing my dad ever gave to us. What the fuck now?

God damn mother fucking terrorists can eat me.
<alright. that's it.>