Oh, yeah! I got back from the park. It sucked. All the kids in the fucking WORLD were bumming around. And I can't even begin to tell you how many insane parents were there. There were people from the weiner dads who followed their kids around to be sure they didn't get hurt or do anything even remotely resembling fun, to the psycho mothers basically shouting, "Play on the swings now! Have FUN, God damn it!! PLAY!!! ...little fuckers... GO DOWN THE FUCKING SLIDE, fer chrissakes!" Oh, and one woman with no control at all, "AJ! A! J! Stop IGNORING me!!!" Entertaining, but only to a point. Plus their bastard spawn were everywhere and it made it difficult to run around with my nephiews. So I ended up just watching them play. Fucking parks.... I gotta take them during a schoolday or something.

Hi ho, hi ho. It's off to cart-wrangler land I go...