Hey, props to you, man. You're a better person than I would have been. I knew someone like that once. He had dialysis (sp) three times a week, absolutely riddled with infections, broken organs and all that stuff. I brought him burritos once and took some photos of him and his dogs together, but he died before they got developed. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have that happen to someone close. The fact that you were able to take that kind of responsability awes me. It's nice to know that people like you exist. I'm pretty sure you don't want or need to hear this, but you're a hero, Jake.
As for remembering what characters wear... what can I say? I'm a girl. It's genetic.
And I know what you mean about the hermit business. I'm 100% socially inept. Completely incapable of forming relationships. I had a best friend once though. He's coming to visit tomorrow. That should prove interesting.
Hey, have a good night. And feel good about yourself. You're a highly decent person.