Um, ok. Whatever.
Hey, I got asked out today at work. That was weird. The guy got all embarassed when all I said was, "Aww, how sweet." Maybe that was the wrong thing to say? He avoided me the rest of the night...
And a teacher from the deaf & blind school came through Diane's lane so she got to "talk" to someone for once. That was cool.
My friend finally showed up last night. It's so weird how much he's changed. He's so ...elitist now. Ugh, he hangs out in coffee shops and shit like that. He wants to move to Ireland to go to school. What the hell is that about? Ever read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac? He's a lot like the assholes moping in coffee houses that Nny kills all the time. He's lost all his independance. It's so stupid.
And my sister's boyfriend got really drunk last night. He usually doesn't drink much... I think he was bothered by Ian too. He turned into such an ass. He kept calling my sister stupid and saying to her, "Fuck you!" or "Bitch!" It was disturbing from such a normally great guy. He had one helluva hangover today though, so I suppose it evens out.
Oops. Sorry Rob. I guess I got serious again for a while.
There's these two atoms talking.
One turns to the other and says, "I think I've lost an electron."
The other says, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm positive."