Shitty day. Worked 12 hours. Finished Watchmen which was really a good book. Got a call from my father telling me long story short since my Grandfathers death 2 1/2 years ago he has been drinking way too much after work and has been told by a doctor thats he could very well be a "functioning alcoholic".

And they say there are no such things as ghosts.

I'm off tomorrow thank betsy whoever she may be.

Piss shit fuck cocksucker motherfucker and tits.


Missing one.


No, got that one.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.


Staring at that group of smilies is hypnotic.

They want my pants I can see it in thier eyes.

If I take my eyes off them my pants are a goner.

Poooooor pants. [sad]


There is one now ^ .